Hyper Text Markup Language


What is HTML?

What files are created for the web pages?

Export Type  File Diagram 
HTML Index Page Only   
HTML Linked Images and Index Page   
HTML Linked Image Pages and Index Page 
HTML Linked Tiled Image Pages and Index Page 

What Unix file name conversion will be applied?

Previous Macintosh
File Name Character
New Unixable
A etc.  a etc.
Å etc.  a etc
space  _ underscore
" quote  ' apostrophe
- hyphen
| vertical bar  l letter el

What limitations does Apply Caption Font have?

What can go into an HTML code snippet file?

What are the preset colors?

Settings Panel
Background background gray Thumbnails
Info body text black Thumbnails
Link link has not been visited blue HTML Link
Linking link being clicked purple HTML Link
Linked link has been visited red HTML Link

What media files are Format Converted?

What is done to make a file Cross-Platform?